Encounters with Blessed Mary Angela Truszkowska

In the afternoon on April 10, 2016 some of the Sisters from the surrounding communities came to the Meeting with Blessed Mary Angela. The meeting was dedicated to Blessed Mary Angela?s letters to Sister Mary Hedwig Sliwinska. All excerpts given to the Sisters for reflection were taken from the letters written in the years of 1861-1863. Mother Angela was at that time only 36-38 years old, and Sister Hedwig ? 20-22 years old. Already then, she was entrusted with very responsible duties. Sister Hedwig was responsible for the Shelters, and in 1863, during the January uprising, she was responsible for all the field hospitals, where the sisters worked.

In Bl. Mary Angela?s letters to Sister Mary Hedwig impresses the depth of Mother?s guidance ? always to the heights of holiness, to a deeper trust in God and the leading of the Holy Spirit, to readiness for all that God bestows, to the faithful fulfilment of God?s Will. Below are few sentences from the very rich correspondence:

You ask me for advice, for directives, but what are my instructions alongside those of the Holy Spirit? I prefer then to be silent and entrust you to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. In Them seek light and guidance. I can only thank God for you, admire His grace, and ask that you worthily respond. (Warsaw, 1861)

You love God with an ardent love, which although yet imperfect, abounds in desires, and these will undoubtedly imbue your heart with that fervent love, for when a soul zealously yearns for it, she will without fail possess it. Therefore, do not cease in those desires, let them continue to intensify in your soul. And do you know how you will most quickly obtain that grace from God? By forgetting about yourself and sacrificing self for others, because Our Lord has said: ?Whatsoever you did to the least of these little ones, you did it unto me?; and in another place: ?A glass of cold water given in my name will not go without its reward.? And this Lord rewards, not like people, with gold and silver. His coin is a hundredfold more precious, because His reward is His blessing, His grace, His love. Is it not worth laboring for such a Lord who rewards so magnanimously? Labor then, my sister, and do not cease, because our respite is not here, for even Christ rested in heaven only after His earthly labors. (Warsaw, 1861)

I am happy, my dear Sister, to see your readiness for everything that God will demand of you, because highest perfection depends on perfect conformity to God?s Will. Would that I see you always in this disposition. I recommend as your main practice and as a special intention of your prayers: that you may never desire anything else but that which God wants, that you accept everything from Him with the conviction that what He sends you is the best for your soul, even if it appears difficult and painful or actually harmful. Remember, my dear daughter, that nothing harms our souls more and nothing delays our progress in perfection to a greater degree than the opposition to God?s will or reluctance in fulfilling it. (Warsaw, May 11, 1862)