Encounter with Blessed Mary Angela

On March 11, 2018, as every month, the Sisters from nearby communities gathered in the Museum and Archives for the Encounter with Blessed Mary Angela. On this Lenten Sunday, the Sisters pondered over the excerpts of Mother Angela's letters regarding the CROSS and inviting to accept it lovingly. During the faith sharing the Sisters emphasized the amazing peace flowing from Mother's writings facing the Cross and suffering. Over the years, while reviewing Mothers' scriptures, it is also clearly visible that for such acceptation of the Cross, full of peace and trust to God's Love, Mother was maturing more and more until she became entirely the Victim of Love.

In a letter to Sister Mary Hedwig from 1862, we read:

Desire, my child, to suffer, because love without suffering is not satisfied, but only desire and suffer so much, and when God will let you. And mostly, strive to carry these everyday crosses, which are so many in our poor life, from which no position is free. Because if we did not have any crosses, then bearing our own misery is a sufficient and supposedly the heaviest cross from which nothing can free us.

Let these words become an encouragement also for us, so that our love can be expressed in peacefully living our daily lives.