Act of self-surrender to Mary

(Written by M. M. Angela in 1868 and based on St. Louis de Montfort?s Act of Consecration)

I, SISTER ?, prostrate at your feet, O Holy Mother of God, Virgin Mary, conceived without sin, in the presence of God in the most Holy Trinity, all the angels and saints, under the special protection of St. Joseph, our Father St. Francis, St Felix, St. Clare, my patron and all the patron saints, choose you, O Holy Mother, as my Lady and Owner of all my being, all my desires, past and future, external and internal, with all their worth, and whatever merit I had, have, or will have, reserving none for myself but giving everything which before God may be meritorious to you as a gift for your possession that you may dispense with all according to your will and pleasure.

Make it totally yours for the greater glory of God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, as well as for your honor and glory. I am yours and all that I have is yours.

O Mary, my Queen and Mother, remember that I am yours; therefore, keep me and protect me as your property and possession. Amen.